The Curse-type Boy

Episode 1: “The spy saw it! ~I’ll curse you...~”

...h, really... ...t’s... That old man, he lost sight of me, and left me behind on the battlefield.

It’s all because of those Resistance guys, sparklin’ so brightly... The hell’s with that? I’m gonna go blind.

It’s seriously obnoxious... I’ll curse them.

Because a’ their out-of-nowhere attack, the pasta for lunch wound up overcooked...

And when I tried ta’ tell a funny story I’d picked up, the joke fell totally flat.

If you trace it back, it’s all the Resistance’s fault. That’s why I’ve decided… I’ll curse ‘em all ‘til kingdom come...!

And if the Resistance is destroyed, that person’ll be able to sleep soundly too.

Still, that guy’s got strange taste.

Out of all the choices he has, why’d he wanna keep a weak shadow of a gun like me in the World Empire, I wonder?

Somethin’ like me, only produced as a prototype, as unimportant as it gets...

And yet, he still went to the trouble of havin’ bullets produced just for me... All I can say is that he’s got strange taste.

...well, whatever. He’s the one who noticed me, an’ that’s all the reason I need to follow him.

Alright, gotta pull myself together… First of all, I’ll go n’ find that old man.

Episode 2: “The spy saw it! ~The unseen Musketeer~”

Ghost: ...y.....hey... ...y... hey, listen. C’mon, you. Pay attention.

Soldier: Huh... whoah!? Ghost-san, when did you get here!?

Ghost: I’ve been here the whole time. Anyway, it seems like you’ve been searchin’ for me for a while now. What for?

Soldier: Oh, that’s right! As of today, a new wanted person list has been issued, so please keep it with you.

Soldier: This one... I hear that he was in communication with the Resistance, and leaked information about a base’s floor plan.

Ghost: Hm... another betrayal. I guess he got drawn in by those sparklin’ things too.

Ghost: Feels like a bug tryin’ to get close to a light, if even for an instant.

Ghost: And with wanted posters goin’ round the Empire like this, he’ll be found in no time.

Ghost: ...although, I guess I’m kinda jealous of being noticed by so many people.

Ghost: If it was me on the wanted list... Even if I was right in front of you, you still wouldn’t notice me, huh?

Soldier: No, of course I would! Or at least, I think...

Ghost: It’s fine, it’s fine. For some reason, I’ve just got zero presence. Damn it...

Ghost: The Resistance, their Musketeers, an’ the guy on the wanted list... I’m cursing every last one of ‘em.

Episode 3: “The spy saw it! ~The one who found him~”

Ghost:, ...who...took... Who was it this time? It was Belga again, wasn’t it... whoah!?

Eins:! You’re not hurt, are you, Ghost? You need to look ahead when you walk.

Ghost: Eins-oniisan... my apologies.

Eins: It’s nothing to worry about. I’m glad you’re not hurt.

Ghost: I’m... It’s normal for people to notice somethin’ after they bump into it, but...

Ghost: You’re the only one who notices before you run into me. You’re truly a good person... Bless you.

Eins: Hahaha! It’s alright, really.

Ghost: Yeah, that’s... hm? You’re alone today. Weird.

Ghost: Usually, F or Fal is stickin’ real close to you.

Ghost: It’s gotta be tough to have those two clingin’ to ya all the time.

Ghost: If it suits ya, so they won’t get close anymore... I’ll curse ‘em.

Eins: What’s the problem, though? Having such brilliant people always by my side is a huge help, you know.

Ghost: ...hmm, really? If you’re okay with it, I won’t interfere.

Eins: That matter aside, though... Earlier, you said that I was the only one to notice you, correct?

Eins: Do you not have anyone you can rely on? Come to me if you’re feeling lonely. I’ll stand by you.

Ghost: Hieee..! This is scary, my heart’s beatin’ like crazy.

Ghost: Sayin’ such nice things to me... I’m moved.

Ghost: ...alright, I’ve decided. If you ever need anythin’, I’ll be there to stand by you too.

Ghost: With my curses, of course... Heheheh...!